Tue 21 Nov 2023 9:00 AM - Wed 22 Nov 2023 5:00 PM
Royal Institution, W1S 4BS
BEYOND goes Global
This year BEYOND shines a spotlight on the huge role UK creatives are playing in international teams building some extraordinary ground-breaking projects and how this is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the potential of building new global partnerships for the creative industries.
Looking to the future we will investigate the global landscape of creative economies, how they grow, the challenges and opportunities, their new forms and the huge potential for UK creatives to collaborate. From exchanging know-how with creative sector leaders, thinkers and practitioners across the globe, to planning major creative projects together, the possibilities are almost endless, but not without tackling significant challenges.
The conference includes an engaging, two-day programme of talks, workshops, innovation showcases and UK research talent, taking place at London’s Royal Institution, as well as being available to watch live and on demand.
Take a look at the highlights from last year's BEYOND in Cardiff
Get Involved
This year's BEYOND Global is offering a range of opportunities for individuals and organisations to showcase their projects and research, host discussions and workshops, as well as meet new partners, funders and collaborators. If you are interested in showcasing your cutting-edge project, becoming an event partner, or organising a fringe event at BEYOND, head over to our website where you can find out more details about each of these opportunities and how to apply.
BEYOND is committed to providing the widest range of access. There are special rates available for students, freelancers, micro companies, artists and those currently unemployed. Right of admission is reserved and you may be asked to prove status. If you qualify for a ticket, please drop a line to for an access code.
Royal Institution, W1S 4BS